AP 3: Modelling and simulation of overall systems

Objectives and contents

In this work package the results of the building systematization and typing of LowEx concepts from the work packages 1 and 2 are exploited. The aim of modelling and simulation of overall systems is to provide a database with parameters of the plant operation which will be evaluated in terms of a technical and economic feasibility in work package 5.


  • Design of reference building models and selection/development of calculation models for the components of LowEx systems and reference systems
  • Design of system models for the numerical simulation of LowEx concepts as well as their connection with solar facade concepts and conduct of computations as well as detailed modelling and simulation of room conditions for comfort analysis
  • Preselection of the most promising concepts and applications; preparation of the key figures for the analysis in work package 5 and evaluation of the comfort simulation


  • Expected values of LowEx concepts in energetically renovated multi-family houses as well as their coupling with solarised building envelopes based on generic models of the heat supply components according to the state of technology
  • Suitability of various heat transfer systems under typical boundary conditions of renovations based on comfort parameters


AP 3.1 Referenzgebäude: Geometrie, Bauphysik & Sanierungsszenarien